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Sacraments of the Catholic Church


The 7 Sacraments are the means in which the Catholic Church dispenses the Graces which Jesus Christ merited for us by his death on the Cross.  These graces are called Sacramental Graces.  The Catholic Church teaches that Christ established these sacraments which are administered by the Church.

The Seven Sacraments are:


Baptism - Gives us the grace to live a holy life by removing all sins from our soul.  (Acts 2:38-39)


Eucharist - Gives us the grace to love Jesus with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  (Matthew 26:26-28)


Reconciliation - Gives us the grace to overcome our sinful desires and actions.(Matthew 16:19 & John 20:19-23)


Confirmation - Gives us the grace and strength to be strong in faith and loyal to Jesus Christ as we journey to heaven. (Acts 8:14-17 &19:6)


Marriage - Gives a husband and a wife the grace of loving one another until death and of being good parents. (Tobias 7:15)


Holy Orders - Gives priests the grace to live good lives dedicated to preaching the Gospel and administering the sacraments. (Eph 4:11-12) 


Anointing of the Sick - Gives us the grace to accept our sicknesses and to die a good death.  (Mark 6:13)




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