St. Elizabeth's
Mass Schedule:
Weekday Mass: Check Bulletin
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 P.M.
Sunday: 7:15 A.M & 10:45 A.M.
Please join us for the Rosary 30 minutes before every Mass.
Confession: Sundays 3:15 to 4:00 P.M. @ St. Elizabeth,

St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Elizabeth is traditionally represented as dressed in rich clothes, bearing in her top skirt-which is gathered up at the front to form an apron-a profusion of red roses, while behind her back she holds a loaf of bread; these are the symbols of her life, her inherited position as Queen of Hungary, and the life she elected for herself of penance and asceticism.
The contrast between the two callings is everywhere apparent in the twenty-four years which made up her life. Even before her wedding at the age of thirteen to the saintly Louis of Thuringia, she was marked out for suffering. Her mother-in-law tried to prevent the wedding out of jealousy and constantly mocked Elizabeth for her charity and humility. She said that she behaved 'like a tired old mule,' when she prostrated herself before the crucifix, and that she was totally unfitted to be Queen. Her mortification took the form of wearing the simplest clothes woven of coarse untreated wool and of eating as little as possible; she refused to wear her jeweled
crown, when our Lord wore one of thorns. However, more important than these mortifications was her constant and remarkable charity, which was expressed in every detail of her life, inward and outward. When she was not actively engaged in the business of government she spent all her time either in prayer or visiting the poor and the sick, with the result that, after her husband's death in 1227, his family accused her of squandering the royal purse on the vagrants of the land.
Her husband's family gained control of the government and ousted her from the palace with her four children, and Louis's brother declared himself regent. She refused the asylum offered by her father, but finally accepted
the hospitality of her own uncle, the bishop of Bamberg. Eventually her husband's comrades returned from the Crusades, entrusted with the duty of protecting Elizabeth. This they were preparing to do when the usurper changed his attitude to her; she was recalled and the rights of her son recognized. She had few more years of life to run, but she spent them in constant prayer and practical charity, and became universally loved and revered. She died on November 19th, 1231, and was canonized 4 years later by Pope Gregory IX.
By Ruth Sawyer
The Catholic Community is very committed to Crawford County. We have two parishes, both served by Father David. Both parishes are administered at the Parish Center adjacent to St. Elizabeth's Church.
Catholic Parish Center:
202 South Lincoln Street, Robinson, IL 62454
Phone # (618)544-7526
Fax # (618)544-9327
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm (closed for lunch)
St. Elizabeth Church :
303 East Walnut, Robinson, IL. 62454
Church Rectory:
207 East Walnut, Robinson, IL 62454
Our Lady of Lourdes:
506 West Missouri Street, Oblong, IL. 62449
Parish Staff:
Reverend Father David Beagles, Pastor
Patti Buercklin, Office Manager
Kathy Staller, Director of Religious Education & Youth Ministry
Eileen Hartrich Cooper, Parish Outreach
Chris Jansen, Music Director
Lori Davis, Custodial Care for Our Lady of Lourdes
Adam Davis, Landscape Care for Our Lady of Lourdes
Parish Registration:
New parishioners are always welcome! You may register in person or by calling the Parish Center.
Sacrament of Penance:
Saturdays at 3:15 pm to 4:00 pm at St. Elizabeth's or by appointment.
Please contact the Parish Center for an appointment. Parents must attend before their child can be baptized. Please call the parish Center to register.
Sacrament of Marriage:
If you are considering marriage, please contact Father David Beagles no later than six months prior to the proposed wedding date and the diocesan and parish guidelines will be explained.
Anointing of the Sick:
Parishioners who are seriously or critically ill, or having surgery, please contact Father David Beagles.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing formation process for adults and older children who are interested in becoming Catholic and would like to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and/or First Communion. Call the Parish Center for additional information

Our Lady of Lourdes
Mass Schedule:
Sunday: 9:00 A.M.

Our Lady of Lourdes
Located in Oblong, Illinois and is
named after the famous apparition of the Virgin Mary near Lourdes
France. In 1858, in the grotto of Massabielle, Our Lady appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous, a young peasant girl. She revealed herself as the Immaculate Conception, asked that a chapel be built on the
site of the vision, and told the girl to drink from a fountain in the grotto. No fountain was to be seen, but when Bernadette dug at a spot designated by the apparition, a spring began to flow. The water from this still flowing
spring has shown remarkable healing power, though it contains no curative property that science can identify. Lourdes has become the most famous modern shrine of Our Lady.
During 2008 our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI visited Lourdes to celebrate the 150th anniversary of this apparition.